As a La Voix Maru Canada member, you’re familiar with the survey taking part of the research process, but there’s more that goes on behind the scenes. When clients come to us for research services, there’s a general process we follow.
We work with a variety of clients, from household brands to the government and media. Clients come to us because they need to understand how a population feels about an idea or issue that affects their decision making.
Some clients have in-house teams that design and develop research, while others look to a professional research services firm (like us!) for advice and assistance. The research instrument can be a survey, a focus group, a tracking study, etc.
The study comes to our Project Management team and we field it with a representative sample – panel members with demographic information that satisfies the study’s research objectives, carefully balanced to ‘represent’ the views of a larger population.
Once the study has achieved the required number of responses, research professionals analyze and present the results, offering recommendations and insights that inform the client’s decision-making process.
As we mentioned above, we work with a wide variety of clients with differing research needs. Some examples of the types of research we conduct include:
We hope you enjoyed learning more about the ‘behind the scenes’ parts of our work. If you have any questions or concerns, please reach out to our Support team and they will be happy to help!
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La Voix Maru est l’une des principales communautés d’études de marché en ligne au Canada, offrant aux Canadiens et Canadiennes l’occasion de participer à des sondages et à des discussions qui influeront sur les marques, les produits et les services que nous utilisons tous chaque jour. Nous collaborons avec diverses organisations, allant d’entreprises de marques réputées et d’organismes gouvernementaux à des organismes sans but lucratif et à des médias, qui veulent mieux comprendre l’opinion publique pour éclairer leurs décisions. Pour vous remercier de chaque sondage auquel vous répondez, vous recevrez des points ou des bulletins de participation pour gagner des chèques-cadeaux, des produits ou de l'argent comptant. Inscrivez-vous maintenant!
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